4 명품 마케팅 programs found
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4 명품 마케팅 programs found
EIML Paris Ecole Internationale de Marketing du Luxe
Online MBA in Luxury Marketing
- Online
시간제 경영학 석사
15 개월
블렌딩 식
Online MBA in Luxury Marketing by EIML Paris offers students a unique learning experience, and prepares them to build their career towards sectorial areas of the luxury industry: fashion, jewelry and watches, cosmetics and perfumes, gastronomy, wine and spirits, hospitality and luxury services. The online program fully taught in English, enables students to gain core knowledge of luxury management, marketing and communication while developing an understanding of brand management regarding different luxury sectors. The pedagogy is innovative and based on practical teachings including seminars, conferences, case studies and consulting projects in collaboration with luxury brands. Thus, EIML MBA offers seminars in class in the following specialties: collection design, gemology, cosmetics-and-perfume-making techniques and raw materials, gastronomy and wine-tasting workshops. Study trips including store tours in European capitals are organized in order to help students to develop an international vision of luxury cultures. Who is this program for? Students having earned a four-to-five-year higher education degree, and professionals aspiring to deepen their knowledge or extend their actionable know-how. Through a partnership with ISIMI-PPA, EIML Paris is entitled to train students and assess them to get a level-7 RNCP certificate of “Manager des Stratégies Communication Marketing” accredited under the French Ministry of Employment by an order of 7 July 2017 and published in the Official Journal of 19 July 2017. One academic year of 65 course days corresponds to 60 ECTS-credits. Skills and knowledge are assessed, equally, in two distinct ways: continuous assessment and final evaluation. Continuous assessment is organized over the teaching period. It can be based on assessment tests, practical cases, research work and / or oral presentations to be carried out individually or in groups. The final evaluation tests are organized outside the course sessions. If necessary, it can relate to a case study, the realization of a project, the writing of an activity report and / or an essay, a role-playing in a professional context.
ESLSCA Business School Paris
MBA 럭셔리 경영 및 마케팅
- Paris, 프랑스
풀 타임
518 시간
블렌딩 식
프랑스 국민
럭셔리 경영 및 마케팅 MBA는 학생들에게 럭셔리 경영과 마케팅 개념, 기술, 개인 개발 및 지적 개방성 사이의 균형 잡힌 교육을 제공하는 것을 목표로 합니다.
Institut Supérieur de Marketing du Luxe - SUP de LUXE
MBA 럭셔리 브랜드 마케팅 및 국제 경영
- Paris, 프랑스
풀 타임
1 년도
프랑스 국민, 영어
프로그램은 30 년 동안 1 위를 차지했으며 부문에서 최고의 교육으로 인정받은 MBA 럭셔리 브랜드 마케팅 및 국제 경영은 전문가와 활동 전문가가 설계 한 완전한 교육입니다.
Institut Supérieur de Marketing du Luxe - SUP de LUXE
MBA 온라인-디지털 시대의 럭셔리 경영
- Paris, 프랑스
풀 타임
12 개월
원격 교육
MBA 졸업장을 제공하는 100 % 온라인 영어 프로그램.
MBA 프로그램들 입력 마케팅 연구 마케팅 명품 마케팅
고급 미용 업계는 화장품과 향수가 모두 포함됩니다. 고급 마케팅 패션 산업 훈련은 의류 및 액세서리에 사용 얻고 디자인에 컬러 휠에 대한 지식뿐만 아니라 고급스러운 소재와 직물을 포함 할 수있다.